4R Plus

4R Plus combines the 4Rs of nutrient stewardship — the Right source of fertilizer, applied at the Right rate and Right time, and in the Right place — Plus in-field and edge-of-field conservation practices that can increase productivity, bolster soil health and improve water quality. Examples of these practices are cover crops, strip-till and no-till,  bioreactors and saturated buffers and others.

4R Plus materials

4R Plus Handout
4R Plus Brochure

CCA Courses

Five new free courses are available from 4R Plus for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Successful completion of each online course and the 10-question quiz will qualify CCAs for 0.5 credits in either the Soil & Water Management or Nutrient Management category.  Access the courses here: 4R Plus CCA Courses

4R Plus Videos

Other 4R Plus Resources

4R Plus website
This website also has a blog featuring Iowa farmers and members from ACWA as guest authors.

Also on the 4R Plus website, see the Conservation Practices page for a description of the suite of practices that farmers can implement on their farms. Clicking on a practice takes you to an NRCS page with details about the practice, including technical notes, job sheets and other useful information.