Corteva Agriscience

Indianapolis, IN

An ACWA associate member since 2007, Corteva Agriscience has been an ally for farmers since 1906, when the company began offering its first agricultural chemical. In 1926, it provided the first corn hybrids to farmers. It has been known by a few names over the years: Dow, Pioneer, DuPont, and since 2019, Corteva. But whatever the name, Corteva has been helping farmers improve their productivity for nearly a century.

It may seem counter-intuitive for an agriscience company to be part of an organization whose goal is reducing farm nutrient loads into water bodies. But Corteva supports ACWA’s Iowa water monitoring program because it is backed by science-based data. As a heavily science-oriented company, Corteva trusts the data from ACWA’s water quality research.

In addition to water monitoring, ACWA promotes conservation practices for improved water quality, including nutrient management, cover crops, bioreactors and more. Corteva’s crop protection business unit contributes to agriculture sustainability as well. The nutrient stabilizers Corteva manufactures, N-Serve® and Instinct®, are part of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Program. A new product, Utrisha™ N, helps plants optimize their nutrient use efficiency, so less nitrogen needs to be applied to a field.

The agronomists at Corteva regularly work with farmers to grow the best crops sustainably. Corteva’s products enable farmers to gain control of weeds, minimize tillage and optimize yield, working in favor of soil health and reduced nutrient runoff.

Corteva’s employees actively promote ACWA’s efforts to improve Iowa’s water quality when they talk to their customers, staff and company shareholders. Corteva representatives involved directly with ACWA share news and reports with shareholders and employees at all levels to keep everyone up to date.

Corteva is also part of similar organizations in Iowa and in other states because of the positive relationships formed through ACWA. Being part of farmer-oriented organizations keeps communication and network lines open, making the agricultural sustainability path easier for all involved. With Corteva’s large presence in Iowa, as well as nationally and internationally, the company showcases ACWA by sharing the organization’s efforts with its customers, scientists, shareholders, and industry peers.

ACWA’s mission is to encourage the adoption of farming practices that improve water quality and soil health. It directly aligns with Corteva’s goal to help their customers be productive and profitable farmers. The partnership is a win for all.