Nutrien Ag Solutions

Wall Lake, Iowa

Nutrien Ag Solutions has been a part of ACWA since the organization’s inception in 1999. At that time, it was United Agri Products, and in 2017 it became Nutrien Ag Solutions. But the company has been serving farmers across the Midwest since the 1960s.

The full-service agricultural supply company has locations across Iowa and continues to evolve to meet the needs of farmers. Nutrien Ag Solutions now offers a Sustainable Ag platform that focuses on all aspects of sustainability. The Sustainable Ag platform tailors solutions individually to find the best fit for the field and the farmer’s management practices. This program aligns directly with ACWA’s long-term goals of improved soil health and water quality while maintaining farmer profitability.

Additionally, agronomists and staff of Nutrien Ag Solutions help their customers with conservation planning and are closely involved with the Farm to River Partnership, an Iowa Water Quality Initiative led by ACWA in Sac, Calhoun, Carroll and Greene counties. Although this initiative is in a small part of ACWA’s and Nutrien’s Iowa footprint, the promoted conservation principles have been instilled in Nutrien’s employees and customers within the Farm to River Partnership’s boundaries and beyond.

ACWA ag retail members collaborate to help farmers improve agronomically and environmentally, and the work is based on sound science. These aspects are important to Nutrien Ag Solutions’ involvement with ACWA. The company upholds ACWA’s Fall Code of Practice, encouraging customers to delay fall anhydrous application until soil temperatures are 50 degrees (F) and trending lower.

Nutrien Ag Solutions helps promote ACWA’s tile water monitoring program, which evaluates nitrate-N levels in tile drainage water. They also recommend that their customers implement the 4Rs ­of nutrient stewardship in their cropping plans — the Right source of fertilizer, applied at the Right rate, the Right time and the Right place —as well as other conservation practices, including no-till, strip-till, cover crops, bioreactors and more.

ACWA members strive for continued water quality improvement, and Nutrien Ag Solutions’ involvement with the organization illustrates the company’s commitment to this goal. For the past 20 years, ACWA has served in a leadership role toward cleaner water and healthy soil. Nutrien Ag Solutions is proud to be part of this effort toward a more sustainable future for all Iowa citizens and those living downstream.