Science to Solutions

Collecting and Analyzing Data

As part of ACWA’s three Core Pillars, Science to Solutions includes the the scientific aspect of monitoring, collecting and analyzing water samples from across the state, including rivers and their tributaries and private farm tile line sampling.

Baseline Water Quality Monitoring: ACWA evaluates and analyzes water samples from rivers and tributaries where Iowans extract for drinking water as well as use for recreation. This has allowed ACWA to monitor changes in nutrient concentrations and load. ACWA has been monitoring the Raccoon River since the organization’s inception in 1999, creating one of the most extensive databases in the state and possibly the Midwest.

Soil Health and Water Quality Evaluation and Tracking: Given ACWA’s water monitoring capabilities, impacts from edge-of-field practices and field improvement practices, such as the use of cover crops, can be fully evaluated. These practices have been scientifically shown to have a positive impact on soil health and water quality.

Communication and Scientific Outreach: ACWA’s partnerships enables us to reach a larger audience than any one member would have the ability to do. Using science to develop sustainable solutions to soil and water quality is the long-term approach ACWA is taking for the future of conservation in Iowa agriculture.