
Cherokee, IA

AgState was formed in 2021, but the cooperative has been in existence collectively for more than 100 years. The company believes in long-term sustainability and is proud to be a founding member of ACWA.

AgState has locations in 14 northwest Iowa counties, most of which sit above the watersheds in the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. But the farmland areas that AgState serves drain into these focused watersheds — illustrating the fact that what happens upstream affects those downstream.

The company provides customer assistance in agronomic decisions, grain markets, feed and energy sales. AgState’s precision technology offerings, including variable rate applications and manure management planning, contribute to sustainable land management and the reduction of nutrients entering Iowa’s waterbodies, which are aligned with the goals of ACWA. AgState’s involvement with ACWA shows that the coop is collaborating with industry partners, like retailers, and urban dwellers, towards sustainable farming practices that improve water quality.

To ensure their customers are profitable as well as sustainable, a conservation agronomist is embedded with AgState, in partnership with ACWA. AgState understands that no two farmers are exactly alike. Their agronomists and conservation agronomist work together with their customers, offering multiple options for conservation farming practices that fit with individual farm management plans.

AgState is a leader in sustainable agricultural practices through advancing technologies in their market footprint, benefiting customers and society.