FCA/Vision Ag LLC

Keota, Iowa

FCA/Vision Ag LLC is the newest member of ACWA, joining in 2024. The member-owned cooperative has been in business since 1935, and serves farmers in nine southeast Iowa communities. They offer expertise in crop protection, fertilizer, feed, fuel and grain.

FCA/Vision Ag serves farmers in several ways that align with ACWA’s goals including: providing comprehensive nutrient management plans for optimal fertilizer use to ensure nutrients are applied efficiently and at the right time; offering soil tests for farmers to understand the nutrient composition of their soil; using precision ag technology and integrated pest management services; and supporting conservation practices such as cover crops to help their customers reduce soil erosion and improve water infiltration and more.

Becoming members of ACWA helps connect FCA/Vision Ag with the knowledge and resources to support their farmer customers in adopting more efficient and environmentally friendly agronomic techniques. They believe in the power of collaboration where ACWA, its members and FCA/Vision Ag can achieve greater collective impact for water quality and soil health improvement efforts in Iowa and beyond.

FCA/Vision Ag employees are deeply committed to sustainable farming practices that support their local communities as well as across Iowa and the Midwest. The company’s leaders believe that by joining ACWA, it signifies their dedication to helping farmers achieve optimal agronomic performance while protecting vital natural resources. They also believe that by working together with other industry leaders, everyone can make an impact on Iowa’s water quality for the future.