
Cary, NC

Verdesian Life Sciences has been part of ACWA as an associate member since 2010 when it was known as Specialty Fertilizer Products (SFP). Headquartered in North Carolina, Verdesian serves the entire United States, Canada, Central and South America, Europe, and India. Verdesian was established in 2012, but the seven companies that comprise Verdesian have been around since the 1970s.

Known as the “Nutrient Use Efficiency People,” everything the company does and sells relates to reducing nutrient runoff and keeping nutrients available in the soil for use by crops, trees and turf. Verdesian is introducing new biological products that make the soil convert more tied-up nutrients, allowing them to be used by the growing crop. This increases microbial activity, which also increases soil health. Verdesian’s products enable farmers to manage nitrogen and phosphorus while maintaining or improving yield efficiently. This, in turn, helps carry out ACWA’s mission of improved water quality through implementing agricultural practices, including cover crops, nutrient management, bioreactors, saturated buffers, and more.

ACWA also has opened doors for Verdesian to work with additional companies for increased efficient nutrient management on the land. Company representatives believe Iowa is a leader in water quality improvement efforts and share ACWA’s efforts with other agricultural associations in the country in which they are involved. Verdesian is proud to be part of this unique organization of competing ag retailers that have united to solve water quality issues and believes ACWA is the vehicle that will increase efforts statewide for improved water quality.